Oyster Industrial.

A diversified multi-asset industrial portfolio comprising properties leased to quality tenants on long-term leases, within a strong‑performing sector of the New Zealand property market.

Express Your Interest

Oyster Industrial.

A diversified multi-asset industrial portfolio comprising properties leased to quality tenants on long-term leases, within a strong‑performing sector of the New Zealand property market.

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Oyster Industrial is a limited liability company, established as an open-ended and PIE structured unlisted property vehicle. It aims to grow, through further acquisitions, a stable and diversified portfolio of industrial real estate. This investment provides investors with the opportunity to invest in existing land and buildings in a multi-asset portfolio with tenant and property diversification, along with access to quality tenants and long-term rental growth within the industrial sector.

A key objective for Oyster Industrial is delivering a stable monthly income return to investors whilst providing the potential for long-term capital gain. Industrial and logistics property continues to be the favoured commercial property asset class for many investors in New Zealand

Oyster Industrial Overview

As at 31 December 2024

Industrial Portfolio WALT 7.17 years
Industrial Portfolio Occupancy Rate 100%
Combined Property Valuations $175m

Industrial Portfolio

By % of Value
as at 31 December 2024

Oyster Industrial percentage of value graph


By % of Income
as at 31 December 2024

Oyster Industrial percentage of income

Express Your Interest

Register to be the first to know when Oyster Industrial re-opens for investment.

Past performance is no indication or guarantee of future performance. All investors are recommended to seek professional advice from a financial advice provider which considers their personal circumstances before making an investment decision.

Dividend Reinvestment Plan & Application Form

The Dividend Reinvestment Plan provides you with the opportunity to reinvest any monthly cash distributions as additional fully paid shares.
This flexibility enables you to continue to add to your investment within the Fund and provides the option to automate regular monthly investments.

Access the Dividend Reinvestment Plan Offer Document and Application Form.